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Soubor:Andreas Achenbach - Clearing Up—Coast of Sicily - Walters 37116.jpg

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Andreas Achenbach: Clearing Up, Coast of Sicily  wikidata:Q18749619 reasonator:Q18749619
Andreas Achenbach  (1815–1910)  wikidata:Q76416
Andreas Achenbach
Popis německý malíř, tiskař, kreslíř a ilustrátor
Datum narození / úmrtí 29. září 1815 Edit this at Wikidata 1. dubna 1910 Edit this at Wikidata
Místo narození / úmrtí Kassel Edit this at Wikidata Düsseldorf Edit this at Wikidata
Místo tvorby
Düsseldorf (1823–1836), Altenberg (Hohenahr) (1831), Nizozemsko (1832), Petrohrad (1832), Göteborg (1835), Kodaň (1835), Lübeck (1835), Scheveningen (září 1935–1835), Tyrolsko (1836), Mnichov (1836–1837), Frankfurt nad Mohanem (1837–1839), Spojené království (1838, 1857), Paříž (1838), Norsko (1839), Düsseldorf, Řím (1843–1845), Itálie (1850–1851, 1873), Capri (mezi 1843 a 1845
date QS:P,+1843-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P1319,+1843-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1845-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
), Sicílie (mezi 1843 a 1845
date QS:P,+1843-00-00T00:00:00Z/8,P1319,+1843-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1326,+1845-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
), Düsseldorf (1846–1. dubna 1910), Janov (1850), Amsterdam (1848, 3. září 1862, 13. září 1879), Haag (1848), Hellevoetsluis (1850), Katwijk aan Zee (1862), Scheveningen (9. září 1862), Haag (1862), Vlissingen (cca 1873
date QS:P,+1873-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
), Enkhuizen (cca 1874
date QS:P,+1874-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902
), Rotterdam (27. března 1887)
Soubor autorit
artist QS:P170,Q76416
image of artwork listed in title parameter on this page
Clearing Up, Coast of Sicily
label QS:Len,"Clearing Up, Coast of Sicily"
label QS:Lde,"Es klart auf, Küste von Sizilien"
label QS:Lnl,"Opklaring, kust van Sicilië"
Druh objektu malba Edit this at Wikidata
English: Beginning in the 1820s, the academy in Düsseldorf, a town on the Rhine River, began to attract artists from other German cities and from abroad. Achenbach, one of Düsseldorf's most influential painters in the mid-19th century, specialized in the "sublime" mode of landscape painting, in which man is dwarfed by nature's might and fury. The tattered American flag on the rocks in the foreground implies that there is a shipwreck just out of view.
Datum 1847 Edit this at Wikidata
Technika olej na plátně Edit this at Wikidata
Rozměry výška: 82,5 cm Edit this at Wikidata; šířka: 116,1 cm Edit this at Wikidata
dimensions QS:P2048,+82.5U174728
dimensions QS:P2049,+116.1U174728
institution QS:P195,Q210081
Inventární číslo
Place of creation Siena, Italy
  • The Düsseldorf Gallery, New York [John Godfrey Boker, proprietor], 1849-1857
  • Cosmopolitan Art Association of Sandusky, Ohio, 1857-1862 [mode of acquisition unknown]
  • John Wolfe [date and mode of acquisition unknown]
  • John Wolfe Sale, December 22, 1863 (?)
  • William T. Walters, Baltimore, 1863 (?), by purchase
  • 1894: inherited by Henry Walters, Baltimore
  • 1931: bequeathed to Walters Art Museum by Henry Walters
História vystavenia German 19th Century Paintings and Drawings. The Walters Art Gallery, Baltimore. 1983. Savings Bank of Baltimore Special Display. The Savings Bank of Baltimore, Baltimore. 1984. Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825-1861. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. 2000-2001.
Způsob získání Acquired by William T. Walters, 1863 (?)
Vnitřní znaky [Signature] In black on lower left: A. Achenbach; [Date] In black on lower left: 1847
Reference Walters Art Museum artwork ID: 19760 Edit this at Wikidata
Zdroj Waltersovo muzeum umění: Home page  Info about artwork
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současná21. 3. 2012, 22:46Náhled verze z 21. 3. 2012, 22:461 800 × 1 298 (2,8 MB)File Upload Bot (Kaldari)== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Walters Art Museum artwork |artist = {{Creator:Andreas Achenbach}} |title = ''Clearing Up--Coast of Sicily'' |description = {{en|Beginning in the 1820s, the academy in Düsseldorf, a town on the Rh...

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