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Soubor:"Women Bind and Dominate Male Maid" 1.jpg

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"Women_Bind_and_Dominate_Male_Maid"_1.jpg (204 × 288 pixelů, velikost souboru: 10 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)


English: Women Bind and Dominate Male Maid, 1960, Nutrix

"June and Lola decide to make their fortune betting on a tennis match. To make the bet a sure thing, they kidnap and tie up John, the favorite.

They need to keep him hidden for a week until after the match. They are worried that a visitor might recognize him. If word leaked out, their betting windfall would disappear. They decide to conceal him by dressing him in their maid’s uniform.

John, despite his helpless position in bondage, stubbornly refuses to wear female attire. Both girls give John a terrific working over. Finally he can take no more and agrees to go along with the girl’s plan. He does not want to become a maid, however there is nothing he can do but give in.

First he slipped on the thin nylon panties. Then the bra with its padded fullness and the frilly petticoat. Johnny’s face flushed with embarrassment as he struggled to fit the maid’s dress onto his husky frame. The smile on Lola’s face made him clench his fist in anger.

He submitted meekly while his face was being made up, for his hands were tied to his sides.

When they finish dressing and painting him, he makes a valiant, but unsuccessful attempt to escape. Bound as he is, he is no match for the girls.

They replace his rope bondage with steel handcuffs and leg manacles and he passes the week in that fashion. Eventually he begins to like his new clothes and no longer wants to escape from June and Lola’s service as a maid."
Zdroj http://www.petticoatpunishmentart.com/docs/cjart004.html
Autor Gene Bilbrew


Public domain
This work is in the public domain because it was published in the United States between 1930 and 1963, and although there may or may not have been a copyright notice, the copyright was not renewed. For further explanation, see Commons:Hirtle chart and the copyright renewal logs.

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současná27. 12. 2011, 10:54Náhled verze z 27. 12. 2011, 10:54204 × 288 (10 KB)Handcuffed

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