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Soubor:HMS Richmond RAS with RFA Black Rover MOD 45157494.jpg

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English: Type 23 frigate HMS Richmond (top) conducts a Replenishment at Sea (RAS) with RFA Black Rover.

The civilian-manned Royal Fleet Auxiliary delivers worldwide logistical and operational support for the wide range of tasks the Royal Navy undertakes including warfighting, counter-piracy, humanitarian and disaster relief, and counter-narcotics operations.

  • Organization: Royal Navy
  • Object Name: MG130052005
  • Category: MOD
  • Supplemental Categories: Equipment, Ships, RFA Vessels, Frigates, Type 23
  • Keywords: Royal Navy, Equipment, Ship, Frigate, FFG, Type 23, Duke Class, HMS Richmond, Royal Fleet Auxiliary, RFA, Small Fleet Tanker, AORL, Rover Class, RFA Black Rover, RAS, Replenishment at Sea, Supplies, Logisitics
  • Country: At Sea
Autor L(Phot) Gaz Weatherston
(Užití tohoto souboru)
Images are downloadable at high resolution, made available at http://www.defenceimagery.mod.uk for reuse under the OGL (Open Government License).


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Uveďte autora: Photo: L(Phot) Gaz Weatherston/MOD
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současná12. 8. 2014, 17:49Náhled verze z 12. 8. 2014, 17:493 000 × 2 106 (3,93 MB)== {{int:filedesc}} == {{information |description={{en|Type 23 frigate HMS Richmond (top) conducts a Replenishment at Sea (RAS) with RFA Black Rover. The civilian-manned Royal Fleet Auxiliary delivers worldwide logistical and operational support for...

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